Well, I have been struck down with vertigo for a while now and as you have noticed the blogging has as well.
The computer screen really does screw with my head so my online time is limited. I am hoping to be well-enough to attend Fan Expo in Toronto this weekend -- the geektastic Xanadu of all things comic book/sci-fi/anime/gaming and horror.

First up, I will be moderating a Brian Azzarello workshop on the craft of comic book writing for the Toronto Cartoonist Workshop, which is hosting a number of "how to" workshops throughout the weekend. Here's their schedule:
Comics Programming Spotlight: "HOW TO" WORKSHOPS - Full Descriptions!
Aug. 17, 2010
Please note: all Comics "HOW TO" Workshops take place in ROOM 203D. Any Pass Allowed. No pre-registration required.
Are you an aspiring comic book professional? These 12 Workshops, developed with the fine folks from the Toronto Cartoonists Workshop will offer you unique insight into many aspects of the creative process from TOP INDUSTRY PROS --- artists, writers and editors!
5:30 - Herding Cats in a Hailstorm- The Secret Life of the Comic Book Editor with Joey Cavalieri - From Julie Schwartz to Archie Goodwin, the comic industry has had a history of formative editors who have shaped memorable projects and creators. A renaissance man who has written professionally and taught at the renowned School of Visual Arts, senior DC editor Joey Cavalieri discusses his relationship with top talent and what it takes to get published in today’s competitive comics market. Moderated by Walter Dickinson.
7:00 - From Thin Air- Drawing the Comic Book Figure from Memory with Bob Layton - Comic book artists are known for their abilities to produce detailed artwork on tight deadlines from their imaginations. Creating the human figure without reference is a Herculean effort essential to the cartoonist. Join Bob “Iron Man” Layton as he demonstrates a simplified approach to constructing the human form that is invaluable to the aspiring pro.
8:00 - Comic Book Bootcamp with Ty Templeton - Watch Toronto comics impresario Ty “The Guy” Templeton as he performs the 50 minute “nutshell” version of his celebrated Comic Book Bootcamp course. Ty will expose why talent is a myth, the importance of narrative flow and foolproof methods for creating successful writing pitches.
2:00 - My Dark Places- Writing for Comics with Brian Azzarello - A former Clevelander who spent his early days in the trenches of independent comic book editing, Eisner Award winning scribe Brian Azzarello is a chronicler of the darker aspects of human nature. From 100 Bullets to his original graphic novel Filthy Rich, Azzarello has proven he is the comics heir apparent to noir writers like Jim Thompson and David Goodis. Join Brian as he discusses his approach to writing the comic book -script and gives pointers to attendees. Moderated by Robert Pincombe (Yay, me!).
3:00 - Hardboiled Storytelling- Page Construction and Composition with Darwyn Cooke - A direct artistic descendant of Caniff, Toth and Robbins, Darwyn Cooke has produced a look and storytelling ability unique in contemporary comics. Listen to this modern master discuss his theories on pacing, eye flow, spotting blacks and page design. From rough sketch to final art, Darwyn will break down his process and show you the components of a well constructed page.
4:00 - Of Directors and Cinematographers- The Penciller and Inker Collaboration with Doug Mahnke and Christian Alamy - In the artistic process of producing comics, pencillers and inkers have to work together very closely and often the skills of one blend into the other. This workshop will help define the creative boundaries of the two practices. Learn the difference between layouts, tight pencils and finishes. Find out why inking is not just tracing. Listen to Green Lantern dream team Doug Mahnke and Christian Alamy discuss their collaborative relationship. Moderated by Gibson Quarter.
5:00 - Drawn in Blood- Creating in the Noir Style with Alex Maleev - Longtime Bendis collaborator and artist on the hot new book Scarlet, Alex Maleev has a natural talent for picking “the right moment” in each panel of a story. His iconic stylings have delineated the darker side of life from Daredevil to Spider-Woman. Watch how Alex creates one of his mind-blowing images.
6:00 - Thumbnail to Finish: Layout of the Comic Book Page with Steve McNiven
From an early training ground at CrossGen to working on major projects for Marvel, Steve has emerged as one of the top artists in the field. Noted for his richly detailed images and adrenaline stimulating storytelling, he continues to craft amazing pages that pull you along at a breakneck pace. Listen as the artist shares his secrets for building action and suspense that keep the readers coming back for more. Moderated by Gibson Quarter.SUNDAY, AUGUST 29
12:00 - Bold Strokes: Painting Powerful Interiors and Covers with Paolo Rivera - An industry professional since 2002, Paolo Rivera continues to build breathtaking acrylic images for the covers and interiors of top Marvel books. Watch Paolo discuss his virtuoso technique for designing and composing an eye catching colour page. Attendees will learn how to successfully incorporate both imagination and photo reference to full effect.
1:00 - Drawing for Impact- Heroic Anatomy with Ian Churchill - Superheroics have to be chronicled in a larger than life fashion. Part of this is the exaggerated musculature and structure of the heroic body. Join Marvel artist extraordinaire Ian Churchill as he demonstrates the dynamic differences between drawing a mild-mannered Bruce Banner and a raging, rampaging Hulk.
2:00 - Floating Worlds-Watercolour Masterclass with Jill Thompson - Watercolour is a difficult medium at best and a hard one to master. Watch Beasts of Burden and Scary Godmother artist Jill Thompson show you how to build a successful watercolor painting. This workshop will show it all, from initial pencil sketch, to the layering of vibrant colour to build an expressive piece with depth and dimension - ROOM 203D
3:00 - How to Workshop: Expressive Anatomy - Drawing Heads and Hands with Olivier Coipel - Any artist will tell you the most difficult thing to draw about the human form is the head and hands. Watch one of Marvel’s “Young Guns” Olivier Coipel as he shares his secrets for breaking these complex structures down into simple shapes. Whether you’re drawing the Avengers or the X-Men these tips will prove to be valuable tricks of the trade.
I wrote one of the stories within as well some text pages. Come check it out. It's created by comic book superstars of tomorrow! Here's a sneak peek at my pag. Story by me, Robert Pincombe, art by Gibson Quarter and Ty Templeton and letters by K.T. Smith.

I'll be signing at the Toronto Cartoonist Workshop table late Saturday. I hope to see you there!