I covered Canadian comic creator and animator Tory Little (Angora Napkin, Chiaroscuro) in a recent post. His long-promised new website and blog are up and running at last.
Go to MeanwhileStudios.com for new updates and Troy's blog, CaffeineAndSleepDeprivation V2.0 for personal updates, comics and behind the scenes artwork. It's just been put up but Little promises more posts soon.
Sequential, the essential Canadian Comix News and Culture blog run by Max Douglas (Salgood Sam) and Bryan Munn, has announced the return of self-proclaimed Comic Book Activist Robin Fisher's Onomatopoeia Show after a three year break and her move from Vancouver to Montreal. Years ago on one of my first visits to Vancouver, Fisher was the first comic person I met when I found out a comic shop was blocks from my hotel. She was engaging, helpful and absolutely a perfect ambassador for comics. I became a fan of the show. Glad to hear it's back on the airwaves.
It's every Sunday (today!) from 3 to 4 pm on 1690 AM in Montreal. But the rest of us can hear it at www.cjlo.com. The Onomatopoeia Show has us digitally surrounded with its home website located at Cartoongal.com, and a Twitter page is here. Fisher also has previous episodes up on Podcast Alley and a Facebook page for the show. Fisher isn't kidding when she says she's back.
This year's Paradise Comic Con has been cancelled due to difficulty arranging a suitable date and locale. Paradise goes out of way to make an artist and fan-friendly event despite the many financial, competitive and venue challanges they have faced over the years. I hope Peter Dixon and the rest of the guys are able to work it out for 2010. They were the first people to allow to become involved with a Con on a pro level and have always been true gentlemen to me.
Beavers Up!
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